CASS Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Read More.

Calgary Alternative Poss-Abilities

Our Vision
All individuals with disabilities and complex needs will have access to the life-long supports necessary to ensure equal opportunity to pursue a meaningful life.

Our Mission
To provide services to enable individuals to engage in community life, develop community connections while educating the community to address barriers that limit opportunities.

Contact Details

Program Director
Stacy Schikowsky

Phone: 403.283.0611
Fax: 403.283.0691

Email us using our contact form.

Tenaya Price

If you are interested in CAPA services please download and fill out our Referral Form and submit it to



Our Focus

We support a strengths-based, client-directed approach to service. We endeavor to assist adults by providing support and advocacy with systems navigation and access, development of community connections, and personal empowerment.


We offer personal empowerment through support and advocacy with systems navigation and access and community connections as well as case management and service coordination. The domains of focus include: assessment, finance, housing, justice, employment, education, parenting, relationships, and health.

Target Populations

We offer services to:

  • Adults with Complex Needs arising from combinations of diagnoses who are ineligible through other programs
  • Systems & individuals that interact with the above populations