What’s your name, title and how long have you been working in your current role here?
My name is Amy Thomas and I’m currently the Program Coordinator for CAPSH and have been in this position (albeit with different titles) for almost 4 years.
What other roles have you had in the agency if any?
I’ve been at CASS for 11+ years and in that time I’ve gone from a relief staff to a Direct Service Support Staff, a Direct Service Support Supervisor, a Direct Service Admin Support to where I am now. I’ve spent all of my 11+ years within the CAPSH program starting at Langin Place and now working for both Langin Place and Stepping Stone Manor.
What experience do you have providing direct support to people if any (doesn’t need to be in a work capacity, it can be friends, family, volunteering etc.)?
I started my career doing frontline support at Langin Place. I was a case manager and worked directly with tenants providing engagement and support. While my current role doesn’t have as much frontline work, I do what needs to be done in terms of supporting people and it’s a part of my job that I miss when I’m unable to connect with the tenants as much as I used to.
What do you want the community to know about the people we serve?
They are intelligent, capable people who are worthy of respect. Our people are often overlooked and mistreated but they’re human beings and they need to be afforded the same basic human rights and respect that we would give anyone else we meet in the world. Trauma is such a prevalent thing with our people and for them to experience what they do and still wake up every day and find meaning is a gift and shows such inner strength and strength of character.
What is your favourite part about working at Calgary Alternative Support Services?
Being able to work with people. I learn something new every day I come to work and it’s always a joy to work with the people we serve. They have such diverse backgrounds and life experiences and are much smarter than I am about a lot of things.
Looking back, what have you achieved here that you are most proud of?
Over the years I feel like I’ve been able to grow and come to be someone that staff and tenants feel that they can look to for guidance and support.
What do you like to do for fun outside of work?
I’m a homebody and love books and video games, but I also enjoy spending time outdoors. I bake when I have the time and spend copious amounts of time trying to get my cat to stop biting me.

Dear Amy,
I will never forget you….
I have made it through the past 11 months because of you and your coworkers, meeting the people who cared for and loved my son has been one of the most significant events of my life….
Forever grateful,
Tim’s mom
CAPSH is so lucky to have you! I wish we could work together more, but different locations prevent that. Can you believe it has been 11 years?